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Training Classes

Obedience Classes

Obedience classes are great for people and dogs that want to learn right from the basics as a puppy, all the way through to recalling off other dogs and other big distractions. 

All our group classes are held outside to make the training as realistic as it can be to every day life. 

Our group training is based on a positive reward, sensible approach. 

Obedience classes are held at both Emsworth and Hayling Island.

Agility Classes

Jump a jump, go through a tunnel or fly over the A-frame. 

Agility is fantastic mental and physical stimulation for your dog. Learn how to navigate all the obstacles, putting it together and running a course as a team.

Agility is held at the Hayling branch.

Fun Gundog Classes

Fun gundog classes are a fantastic way to build a relationship with your dog. 

Do you find yourself struggling to keep your crazy spaniel in the same county as you on a walk? Is your dogs nose constantly engaged with the floor and their ears switched off? 

Fun, breed specific training allows you to tune in with your dog and work together as a team to train them on what they were bred to do, whether it is a spaniel that loves to hunt, a retriever that loves to play fetch, or a pointer that loves to tell you where the birds are down the park - Gundog training is for you. 

You do not have to want to ever work your dog, but you'll be amazed what you can do with your dog on your everyday walks and make them want to be with you! 

Gundog classes are held at both Emsworth and Hayling Island. 


Periodically we hold lots of different workshops such as recall, heelwork, tricks and agility. 

These are one off courses to either target a specific training requirement, or to just have some and cover some mental stimulation exercises for you and your dog. 

The workshops are held at both Hayling Island and Emsworth. 

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